Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Two very green thumbs up to one of my favorite companies, Apple, for introducing their new iPod line of mP3 players with the following improvements:
~Arsenic-free glass
~Brominated flame-retardent free

The new line of iPod Nanos also comes in an assorted range of colors with great new features, so you can pick up a green one and rock out to your favorite tunes! Apple has been working hard over the past few years to improve the green-ness of their prodcuts.Take a look at Apple's environmental policies and what they plan to do in the future to reduce their impact on the planet.
Also, if you purchase a qualifying Apple computer, take advantage of their free recycling program for your current computer. It's a great way to reduce the amount of waste produced by the many electronics discarded each year.
With everyone carrying around an iPod these days, I thought it was important to mention Apple's efforts to be more conscious about their impact. Hope you find it as important and spread the word!

Until we meet again,

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